
Winter Gardening Tips: From Planters to Veggies

2015-12-20 17:24:00 /
Winter Gardening Tips: From Planters to Veggies - Winter Gardening Tips

The autumn harvest has been culled and the gardening equipment is likely to be sequestered in some far-off corner of the shed. But you don’t have to put your passion on hold just because a little cold weather is coming in. There is still a myriad of vegetables that can be planted and maintenance that can be performed during the late autumn and winter season. Get the most out of your garden this winter season by heeding these words of advice.

Get Planting

Despite the warmth of the summer sun, some plants really do prefer to hit the ground growing in the cold of winter. Staple foods such as garlic and onions thrive in a colder environment. Certain types of lettuce, asparagus, peas, and spinach also prefer a colder climate. Study up to know when and how to plant these vegetables so as to get the best return out of your veggies. During extreme cold spells it’s advised that you start your plants in a fibreglass or plastic planter and keep them indoors until the worst of the cold has passed.

Mulch It

Mulch has the ability to keep upper layers of soil warm. By doing so, roots and bulbs will be protected from the inevitable frost of winter. Winter is also notorious for being an extremely dry season. Mulch also captures moisture that soil so desperately needs.

Autumn Tilling

Depending on how hard the ground currently is, you have the option of tilling the ground and using weeds and other yard debris as a natural compost. The option of tilling the soil isn’t something everyone can do. If you know you’ll be enduring a particularly cold winter season, protect bottom layers of soil by leaving a stubble of grass or weeds atop your soil. Soil is in its ideal tilling state when clumps of soil can break apart in your hand. Mud or dirt that too willingly falls from clumps should be left untouched.

Protect Current Grows

Even though some plants can endure the brutality of winter, some need a bit more help than others. Perennials and other plants susceptible to the cold should be covered up during the coldest days of winter. Cloth is the best material to use to get the job done. Plastic and other coverings might trap an excess of moisture and end up doing more harm than good.